
Directional CIC Programmes

Directional deliver various flexible, Prevention, Early Intervention and Diversion programmes tailored to engage and get the best out of the young people we work with. Referred from various organisations such as schools, YOS and Children’s Services, we offer a mix of classroom based and sports sessions.

The overall aim is to raise aspirations and increase self-esteem, Directional recognises and rewards the achievements of young people on all projects.

Relating to Role Models

Relating to Role Models is our bespoke mentoring programme. With experienced and relatable mentors, we will build a positive working relationship with the young person and help them to make positive life choices. Mentoring during school (depending on school) or outside of school hours, our programme will support young people in engaging in education or positive activities. The mentor will use various activities to help with the young person’s specific needs. 

 The programme is suited for any young person needing a mentor or additional positive role model in their life. They could be low on confidence, have a lack of motivation, or are making bad choices which could affect their future.

Take the Lead

Take the Lead is ideal for young people involved with, on the fringes of, or vulnerable to, the attraction of gang association and knife crime. The aim of this project is to encourage positive life choices and help young people to understand the dangers of being influenced by negative people and empower them to become positive leaders within their peer group. 


Choose to Succeed

Choose to Succeed focuses on helping young people to understand what success is to them and what they need to do to get there. By highlighting relatable role models and discussing positive choices young people can make on a daily basis, the aim of this project is to improve behaviour and engagement in education.


Introduction to Business

Introduction to Business is aimed at encouraging young people to engage with education and think of different options in the working world. The participating group is split into teams who will then create their own businesses and present their ideas in competition against each other.



Boxercise is practical boxing sessions, all of which are non-contact, delivered to aid fitness for young people. All young people are welcomed as there is no requirement for previous boxercise or boxing experience. The sessions are designed to highlight the importance of discipline, respect and hard work to help participants release any built-up frustration in a positive way.


More than a Goal

More than a Goal football project is for young people with an interest in football and suited to those identified to need further inspiration or motivation to succeed in what they choose to do.