Our Team

Jermaine Hall

In 2013 I started Directional to give young people a role model, someone they could talk to, and someone who would genuinely listen to them. I wanted to be the middle ground between young people and their teachers, parents or any other adults in their lives. I always wanted Directional to grow and reach as many young people as possible, I didn’t quite know it was going to grow to what it has.

I now have a team of passionate, skilful and experienced people who have the same goals as me. As a team we have built a culture and environment where young people can be heard and thrive. I have the same passion for the work and growth as I did when I first started Directional - I enjoy the engagement and improvements of our young people every single day. 

Tony Burnett

When I was offered the opportunity to work at Directional in January 2020 I jumped at the chance. The life experiences I have and the obstacles I’ve overcome ensures I have a lot to offer the youth of today. Growing up I was never really pushed to reach my full potential so that’s something I really focus on when I work with young people.

I want them to know that here at Directional we believe in them and we are confident that they can achieve anything they want to. I am always striving to gain even more experience and knowledge to be able to help young people even further than I already am.

Lorna Gear

Growing with Directional confirmed this is the career for me - working in a team who have the same goals is important to me to grow within my role and support young people to the best of my ability. 

As a teenager I struggled in my younger years before realising my life was on the wrong path. Knowing I needed to change, I worked on myself to become more focused, and thankfully went on to complete a degree in Sports Coaching; where my learning and working with different diverse groups, left me wanting to help and support young people. 

Educating young people on the importance of self-worth, mental health and supporting them in their needs, means that I leave work daily feeling fulfilled. It is important I continue to educate young people in understanding how to speak up and to access the support network we offer here. 

In a world where you can be anything be kind.

Jordan Gatehouse

I had ambitions of working with young people for a long time - wanting to use my life experiences and knowledge to help those that could learn from my mistakes and achievements. I was gifted academically, and as a rugby player, but despite this the road I travelled was a bumpy one. Once deciding to make life changes, I went on to start my own business specialising in Sports Science, Strength & Conditioning and Nutrition, whilst also working as a PT and CrossFit Coach. After coming out the other side, I knew it was time to be the role model I wish I had when I was younger.

I have learnt from my many experiences and have been in similar positions to that of young people today - I therefore hope that I can have a meaningful impact on young peoples lives for the better, as I strive to ensure that they succeed in life.

Valentino Qoku

The opportunity to truly make an impact on young people’s lives is the reason why I love working for Directional. I love building a connection through sport, and being able to offer individual support to those in need to improve many lives.

I want to make sure the students we work with remember us in the future, for making a positive impact on their life and that we provided them with the best tools possible to be successful.

Christian Tavernier

What has happened in the past can't be changed for our young people but with experiences gained and the willingness to listen by all staff members at Directional, we can help change and save lives.

Myself and my colleagues have made a promise to Engage, Empower and Educate our young people, to ensure the success of their futures. This is what Directional is about.

Terry Offeh

From playing for Directional’s district football team, to a work experience placement, and finally a full time job.   

I believe I offer a realistic, understanding and youthful view point for Directional - I am confident that helping and supporting young people starts from being up to date and relatable to them. Having gone through similar experiences as our young people through school in the last few years, I trust I provide a voice whilst being a role model to the young people, thanks to my positivity, courage and empathy. My experiences of school, college, playing football at several levels, and meeting numerous people means I can take on the role of a mentor. I believe I can provide comfort for young people, allowing them to open up so I can help guide them towards their aspirations, visions and goals.

Charlotte Derrick

I have watched the development of Directional’s growth from the beginning and always wanted to be a part of the team, so when a job opportunity came up I jumped for it.

Prior to starting at Directional I worked in an education setting as DSL and intervention worker. I also volunteered for a local mentoring charity and youth club.

My aim is to help young people through any challenges they may be facing and give them the tools to help them become resilient through life. I want to be a part of helping our next generation become motivated, confident and the best version of themselves.

Anne-Louise Kyte

I joined the Directional team in September 2022 to provide administrative support.  I am excited to be part of a friendly, energetic, and focused team who strive to provide the best outcomes for the young people they support.

I bring to Directional many years of experience working in schools in a variety of supporting roles including behaviour support, mental health and well-being responsibilities.  I have also worked for many years in family support and safeguarding.

I hope to compliment the skills and knowledge of the staff team and will enjoy supporting young people away from a mainstream school environment.  I aim to use my knowledge and skills to support the work of this dynamic and imaginative team as the organisation expands. I am excited to be part of an organisation working with young people, encouraging and enabling them to become the best version of themselves.